Chiropractic Care For Women


Chiropractic care for women proves to be very effective to treat common complications like lower back pain, osteoarthritis, and more. Read on to learn more about chiropractic care. 

Women are suffering from many musculoskeletal issues because of their hormonal changes or age-related complications. Conventional treatment approaches may not be as effective as chiropractic care is. Chiropractic treatment improves spinal alignment and enhances the body’s own mechanism to fight against different health complications. If you have back pain or other complications, chiropractic treatment proves to be an effective choice for you. Meet Dr Brian Nantais and start your treatment.

Women go through many physical changes in their journey. Back pain due to pregnancy is very common, and taking painkillers is a risky thing. Women can opt for chiropractic care for their health. It is a safe treatment, and anybody can opt for this treatment choice. You need an experienced chiropractor to consult with. Nantais Family Chiropractic is known for offering the best chiropractic treatment plans to offer faster relief from health issues. We have been in the field for many years and treat an array of health complications, besides pain management. 

We believe women must visit a chiropractic clinic as preventive care for their health. It improves their bone health and flexibility. We have many reasons to convince women that chiropractic care is the best option for their health.


In this condition, the joint cartilage gets degenerated, affecting bone health. Middle-aged people experience this health condition more. Here, you will experience hip, knee, thumb, and joint pain and stiffness. Men also get affected by osteoarthritis, but it is most common in women. The factors that increase the risk of getting osteoarthritis are:

  • Estrogen level fluctuation during menopause 
  • Genetic links

Chiropractic adjustment proves to be a great thing for improving the condition. Did you know the way you sit, stand, and walk has an effect on your joint health? We will help you know how to take care of your health to prevent pain. Meet Dr Brian Nantais and start your chiropractic care. He is an experienced chiropractor and treats your complications very well. By aligning your bones and spines, he will treat your health.

Lower back pain and cramps:

Lower back pain and cramps are common things in women. They experience these problems in their whole journey due to menstruation. Sometimes, endometriosis can also cause lower back pain. Don’t worry! Chiropractic care proves to be a great approach for your health. Consult with an experienced chiropractor to treat your complications. Meet Dr Brian Nantais and start your chiropractic treatment. 


In pregnancy, a women body has to adjust to the baby’s growth. So, the centre of gravity shifts forward. The increased back curve also puts strain on your spine. When a pregnant woman reaches her delivery, her ligament loosens and relax. Meet an experienced chiropractor and treat your complications. 

Dr Brian Nantais is an experienced chiropractor who first analyses your health complications and suggests the best treatment for your health. Visit Elevation Health to learn more about chiropractic care. It is a renowned chiropractic clinic in Tecumseh, Essex County. If you need any help, give us a call or visit us.


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